Brother was home for the holidays–from December 24 to January 1. But would you believe, we still haven’t got a picture together! haha It’s either he is at the back of the camera or I am. So we didn’t have a picture of the two of us together.
Oh yeah, we do have a family picture but not with just the two of us. hahaha We always forget. That is because we both like documenting things using the camera. While my photos are mostly for personal use–just stored in my external hard drive or printed for our album–my brother Iman has taken his interest in photography many steps further.
When he went to the United States for a work-related trip, he was able to purchase for himself a DSLR camera. He is pretty wise to wait until he has extra money to purchase his equipment. Since then, he has upgraded and changed and bought new lenses according to his needs. He has studied under a mentor and has attended seminars to further hone his craft. He has been hanging out with professional photographers and has been building up his portfolio. And so far, he has had some paid stints under his belt, including event coverages. I think that is cool.
Last Christmas ago, we held my second daughter’s dedication here in Bacolod City. And because my brother was here, he handled the photo coverage of the entire event. Of course, it was for free. After all, we are family. hahaha
It is great that Iman has found something that he is interested in besides computer engineering. And he has found a way to finance his interests by accepting paid photography jobs. So he is an engineer during weekdays and a photographer during weekends. It’s a wonderful balance, isn’t it?
I am not sure when I am going to see him again. We will be in Manila this July but he might also be away for another work-related trip. So maybe after a year again?