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Avid travelers often set aside a travel budget to cover extra expenses. That is called a financial safety net.

5 Tips for Building a Financial Safety Net for Your Upcoming Travels


For many individuals, traveling brings immense joy and offers a chance to explore new places, experience different cultures, and create lasting memories. However, travel also comes with various costs, including flights, accommodation, food, and activities, which can add up quickly. This is why avid travelers often set aside a travel budget to cover these expenses and a financial safety net. This ensures you are prepared for unexpected costs, like medical emergencies, travel delays, or sudden plan changes as you travel. It gives you financial protection and allows you to enjoy your trip with greater peace of mind. Additionally, having a financial safety net for your travels ensures your savings stay intact in case you need extra cash for your trip. 

How to Build a Financial Safety Net for Travel Expenditures

If you are planning to travel soon, consider these effective strategies to build a financial cushion for hassle-free travel.

Open a Separate and Dedicated Savings Account

One of the best ways to build your financial safety net for your trip is by opening a savings account exclusively for travel expenses. This should be a separate account from your regular savings and checking accounts to ensure that your funds are not used for expenses other than as an emergency fund for your travels. 

When choosing an account, look for options with no fees and higher interest rates to help your money grow faster. Additionally, you may want to go for a digital bank like Maya. They don’t require a minimum balance to start saving, so you can deposit as little or as much as you want when you open savings account with them. 

With a Maya savings account, you can also earn up to 15% interest p.a. every day. Moreover, you can get a cool-looking Maya card for FREE that you can use to withdraw cash at any BancNet ATM to shop or pay for incidental expenses. Simply transfer money from your Maya savings account to your digital wallet to access the funds.

Identify How Much You Need to Set Aside

As you’re building your financial safety net for your trip, it’s crucial to know how much money you will need. Keep in mind that the amount can vary depending on your destination, the length of your trip, your personal circumstances, and the activities you plan to engage in. 

For example, longer trips or visits to more remote or expensive destinations will definitely warrant a larger cache. If you plan on participating in adventurous activities like hiking, diving, or skiing, on the other hand, you need to factor in the cost of any emergency equipment or medical care specific to those activities. In terms of personal circumstances, assess your own risk tolerance and financial situation. Some travelers prefer a larger emergency fund for added peace of mind, while others may feel comfortable with a smaller buffer.

However, a general guideline is to aim for an emergency fund that covers about 10 to 15% of your total trip budget. To calculate the specific amount, compute the total cost of your trip, including flights, accommodation, daily expenses, and activities before getting the percentage. So if your trip costs a total of PHP 100,000, you might consider setting aside PHP 10,000 to PHP 15,000 as your financial safety net.

Cut Down Your Spending

Another way to build your financial safety net for your upcoming travels is to reduce your everyday expenses. Begin by reviewing your current spending and identifying which expenditures can be minimized or removed completely. This might include dining out less, canceling unnecessary subscriptions, or opting for cheaper alternatives for groceries. 

For instance, cooking at home instead of eating out can save you a significant amount of money over time—and not just for your trip. Similarly, using public transportation or carpooling instead of ride-hailing services or driving your car to work daily can reduce your transportation expenses. Lastly, buying fewer unnecessary items when you go grocery shopping can also help you save extra funds. 

Find Ways to Earn Extra Income

If you have plenty of time to spare before your next journey, boosting your income can significantly contribute to your financial cushion for trips. Consider taking on part-time jobs or freelance projects to supplement your regular income. You can find opportunities online that match your skills and interests. Additionally, decluttering your home and selling items you no longer need can provide extra cash. Remember, every additional peso earned can be put towards your emergency travel fund.

Make Efforts to Save Daily

Small daily savings can add up over time and contribute significantly to your emergency funds for your upcoming travels. This is especially true if you allocate a long time for planning or if you leave plenty of time in between your trips. So, develop daily habits that encourage saving, like setting aside spare change or skipping the daily coffee shop visit. These practices may seem insignificant, but doing them every day can make a big difference. 

Additionally, make it a habit to transfer money to the account specifically to save your travel emergency fund. Even if you only set aside small amounts, they can grow into something substantial if you’re consistent. 

Building a financial safety net for your upcoming travels ensures that you can enjoy your trip without worrying about unexpected expenses. Consider these methods to help you create a robust financial backup. Start saving today and look forward to a stress-free travel experience!

Avid travelers often set aside a travel budget to cover extra expenses. That is called a financial safety net.

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